Is fear holding you back from growing your business?
Like most of us, Amanda from WorkWords was slightly nervous at the thought of being in front of the camera, but she knew to grow her business she needed to raise her personal branding profile and be seen as approachable and professional.
Amanda decided that she wasn’t going to let a few nerves stand in the way of reaching her goals. So she came into the studio to invest in some powerful new personal branding imagery for her copywriting business.
“I can’t tell you what an impact my photos from Jo Westaway Photography have had! Straight away, potential clients see a professional but approachable image.
Think about it… when you see someone’s LinkedIn or Facebook profile picture, you make a snap judgment. It’s human nature.
So, putting the best image of yourself out there that captures your personality and why someone should work with you? That’s just smart business sense.
Updating to professional images from Jo has definitely helped me secure jobs and build some great ongoing client relationships. Make the investment in 2017, you won’t regret it for a second!
ps: Jo Westaway didn’t ask me to write this, it’s all from the heart!”
Amanda (Working Words Copywriting)
Like Amanda, if you’re serious about growing your business and wondering how professional portrait photography, personal branding and modern head shots can help you get the results you deserve, give Jo a call on (07) 3202 7275 or email info@jowestaway.com.au