Stock-photo terms & conditions

Jo Westaway stock-photos come with a non-exclusive limited use license which is as follows:

When you buy Jo Westaway stock-photos you may:

  • Use your photo/s for business and/or personal use.

  • Use you photo/s online and/or in print.

  • Resize, crop, rotate, or flip you photo/s.

  • Extend the backgrounds of the photo/s.

  • Overlay your photo/s with text, graphics and/or other imagery.

  • Add filters, colour overlays and convert your photo/s to black and white.

  • Use your photo/s to create ebooks, workbooks and pdfs, providing your photos are overlaid with text, graphics and/or other imagery The photo/s must not be the main component of the document. Digital products must have the photo/s flattened within the digital file so they can't be extracted. 

  • Use your photo/s for multiple businesses/blogs for which you're the sole owner.


When you buy Jo Westaway stock-photos you may NOT:

  • Alter, edit or manipulate your photo/s excluding what's detailed above.

  • Claim Jo Westaway stock-photos as your own.

  • Sell, loan, or give away the photo/s or allow a third-party to use the photo/s in any way.

  • Transfer the photo/s to your clients/customers, even if you've modified the design by adding text, graphics or other imagery.

  • Use the photo/s for social media, websites, or any other online and print mediums for clients/customers who have not purchased the photo/s.  

  • Use the photo/s for ebook covers or physical book covers to be sold on Amazon or similar mass distribution sites.

  • Create derivative products from the photo/s such as templates, screensavers, quote tiles, desktop calendars, printables, art prints, mugs, calendars, clipart, invitations, or any such products, either for sale or to give away for free.

  • Photo/s may not be used for any offensive, illegal or pornographic use.

  • Use the photo/s to promote or sell other stock photography products, services, resources or courses, whether paid or for free.


Legal Considerations: 

  • Jo Westaway retains copyright of the photo/s. 

  • Copyright is not transferable.

  • Credit for using the photo/s is not required, however always appreciated. Remember to use #jowestaway so we can see how you use the photo/s and support you.

  • You acknowledge Jo Westaway does not make any representations or assurances of non-infringement and does not make claim to have received releases from any brands, designers, or manufacturers for use of products, registered trademarks, logos or intellectual property shown in the photo/s. 

  • You agree Jo Westaway shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of any of the photo/s. Jo Westaway shall not be liable for any claims related to, or resulting from you using of the photo/s.