The Blog

The greatest brand never sold

The greatest brand never sold

Picture the situation. You’re at a business networking event. The room is buzzing with rapid talking, coffee sipping and business cards being passed around like currency as you take a...

The greatest brand never sold

Picture the situation. You’re at a business networking event. The room is buzzing with rapid talking, coffee sipping and business cards being passed around like currency as you take a...

The one word that can ruin your credibility as a personal brand!

The one word that can ruin your credibility as ...

When running our own business, there’s one thing we all have in common and it doubles as one of the biggest frustrations in business – particularly if we’re the face...

The one word that can ruin your credibility as ...

When running our own business, there’s one thing we all have in common and it doubles as one of the biggest frustrations in business – particularly if we’re the face...

Think being vain is a problem for women in business? Think again!

Think being vain is a problem for women in busi...

Ever caught yourself glancing into the mirror and automatically given yourself a silent talking to? A lot of us women have been there and done that. After all, growing up...

Think being vain is a problem for women in busi...

Ever caught yourself glancing into the mirror and automatically given yourself a silent talking to? A lot of us women have been there and done that. After all, growing up...

Behind the scenes 2017

Behind the scenes 2017

  2017 has been an exceptional year, professionally and personally. It’s been awesome meeting and working with so many talented and passionate business owners and professionals and an absolute pleasure...

Behind the scenes 2017

  2017 has been an exceptional year, professionally and personally. It’s been awesome meeting and working with so many talented and passionate business owners and professionals and an absolute pleasure...

How to get more from your personal branding images!

How to get more from your personal branding ima...

    So, how can you get the most out of your personal branding images? That’s a great question and one which professional branding photographers are asked a lot. Firstly,...

How to get more from your personal branding ima...

    So, how can you get the most out of your personal branding images? That’s a great question and one which professional branding photographers are asked a lot. Firstly,...

What’s the fastest way to get future clients to trust you – even before they’ve ever met you?

What’s the fastest way to get future clients to...

  Customers buy from those they trust! This phrase has never been truer than in the medical field. Patients won’t go to someone they don’t feel safe with or don’t...

What’s the fastest way to get future clients to...

  Customers buy from those they trust! This phrase has never been truer than in the medical field. Patients won’t go to someone they don’t feel safe with or don’t...